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Foto del escritor: Gilberto Reyes MorenoGilberto Reyes Moreno


This romantic and beautiful song seems to touch everyone whose wed is worthwhile to be remembered it. (Not all of them regrettably deserve it).

The song comes already from the forties of last Century, but it is still frequently played at wedding anniversaries.

I became impressed by its lyric, an actual poem, since I heard it by first time several years ago.


Oh, how we danced on

The night we were wed

We vowed our true love

Though a word wasn’t said.

The world was in bloom,

There were stars in the skies,

Except for the few

That were there in your eyes.

Dear, as I held you

So close in my arms,

Angels were singing

A hymn to your charms

Two hearts gently beating

Were murmuring low:

“My darling I love you, so”

The night seemed to fade,

Into blossoming dawn

The sun shone anew,

But the dance lingered on.

Could we but relive,

That sweet moment sublime,

We’d find that our love,

Is unaltered by time.


Music: Adapted by Saul Chaplin, Romanian Iosif Ivanovich’s “Waves of Danuve”

Lyrics: Al Jolson and Saul Chaplin,




¡Oh, cómo bailamos

La noche de nuestra boda!

Prometiéndonos amor verdadero,

Sin decirnos palabra alguna.

El mundo lucía florido,

El cielo pleno de estrellas;

Excepto que algunas otras

Brillaban refulgentes en tus ojos.

Amada, mientras te estrechaba

Con mis brazos, amoroso,

Coros de ángeles entonaban

Un himno a tu hermosura.

Dos corazones latiendo

Murmuraban queda,

Discreta y sigilosamente:

¡Cuánto te amo vida mía!

La noche despuntaba hacía

Un nuevo amanecer,

Ya el sol brillaba nuevamente

Y… ¡No cesábamos de bailar!

El recuerdo, de aquellos dulces

Y sublimes momentos,

Conserva perenne nuestro amor

En el incesante correr del tiempo.

(Si desea Ud. saber sobre los autores de su versión original, en inglés, por favor, remítase a tal versión, en este mismo BLOG.)

Traducido por: Gilberto Reyes Moreno.


1.-La traducción, desafortunadamente, poco refleja la belleza poética del original. Ello porque lastimosamente carezco del Don de la Inspiración, privilegio exclusivo de elegidos.

2.-Lo traducido es en Verso Libre, como se puede apreciar, es decir sin las exigencias del verso clásico (metro, cadencia y rima)

Febrero, 2021

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